My stories and poems are inspired by many things: by experiences, by memories, by family, by places I've lived, by places I visit, by jobs I've had, by books I've read, and by people I've met along the way. I find that inspiration is everywhere, if you are watching and listening.

A writer's life can be a solitary and challenging one. Rejection is a significant part of it. So, I also find inspiration and encouragement in the lives and words of other artists and creative souls.

Below are images and words that help light the way.

French Film Director Quote.jpg

I cut the quote above out of a magazine years ago.

Picasso Quote.jpg

I keep this Picasso quote taped to my Idea Box.

Sorolla Painting San Sebastian.jpg

The image above is of the painting "Rompeolas de San Sebastian" by Joaquin Sorolla. I recently visited the Sorolla Museum in Madrid.

San Sebastian Waves Resized.jpg

The photo above is of the same spot in San Sebastian pictured in the Sorolla painting. I took the photo before I had ever seen the painting. Very cool.

Sorolla Photograph Painting by the Sea.jpg

Image above is from the photography collection at the Sorolla Museum. I love this image of the artist painting on the beach. One of the quotes about Sorolla said, "His daily existence was a tranquil, laborious one like that of the old painter monks, Renaissance neighbours, who worked in their monasteries in the holy calm of artistic fervour."